Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Roasting Tomatoes

Three pans of roasted tomatoes ready to go in the oven

I recently froze spaghetti sauce with tomatoes from our garden. The recipe I used was fairly simple. (I will share that another time!) However, in an effort to get more flavor out of our tomatoes--and into some of Ray Baby's low carb fare--I began the sauce with roasted tomatoes rather than just chopped tomatoes.

Our kitchen literally smelled like Olive Gardens. And the final product of Chunky Marinara smelled amazing. I will be so thrilled to have those twelve quarts of it in the freezer this winter to use with Ray Baby's winter veggies!

Here is how I went about roasting those fifty tomatoes:

Tomatoes--I used 50 tomatoes
Balsamic vinegar
Olive Oil
Sea Salt

1. Clean and stem tomatoes.
2. Cut tomatoes in half and lay in foil pans in one layer (doesn’t matter which side is up).
3. Sprinkle each pan of tomatoes (approximately ten tomatoes) with 1 heaping teaspoon minced garlic.
4. Salt and pepper tomatoes generously.
5. Sprinkle each pan of tomatoes with 1/2 tsp of oregano.
6. Sprinkle each pan of tomatoes with 1 TBSP olive oil.
7. Sprinkle each pan of tomatoes with 1 TBSP balsamic vinegar
8. Roast in 400 degree oven for 30 mins convection and 40 mins regular---move pans halfway through.

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